
从高处俯瞰,景色美不胜收。 SUMMIT 被 Tripadvisor 《旅行者选择奖》评为全球排名前 10% 的景点之一。

Tripadvisor 点评


“Very exciting experience. The initial elevator ride up to the main floor was so cool. All of the reflective rooms were amazing. The interactive room with the balloons was so much fun. Our young adults in our group loved the Instagrammable photo ops! We, as New Yorkers, had no idea this cool spot was here until searching for places to go to for our out-of-towners. They loved it.”

– Anonymous Reviewer, Tripadvisor


“Everybody needs to go here! It’s an experience you won’t have anywhere else! Plus the views you get of NYC are the best out of any views you had prior believe me!! Don’t want to spoil anymore but get over there!!!!”

– Aaron, Tripadvisor

荣获 Tripadvisor 旅行者之选奖,迈向卓越

我们怀着无比自豪和感激的心情宣布,SUMMIT One Vanderbilt 被 Trip Advisor 的《旅行者选择奖》评为全球排名前 10% 的景点之一。 当我们回顾自己的发展历程时,更是对这一荣誉深感荣幸,想到 SUMMIT 在运营不到两年的时间里就获得了这一殊荣,真是令人难以置信。

从 SUMMIT 创立之初,我们的愿景就是创造一种独特的体验,让来自世界各地的人们为之着迷、受到启发,并前所未有地走近纽约的天际线。 能够跻身 Trip Advisor 评选的全球顶级景点行列,充分证明了我们团队对工作的热情,我们致力于为游客提供的无与伦比的体验。 这一荣誉不仅代表了世界范围内对我们的认可,也彰显了我们追求卓越、不断创新的承诺,确保每位游客都能留下美好的回忆。

每一位选择与我们一起登顶的游客,每一位在城市的繁华中找到敬畏时刻的游客,每一位在无尽视野下捕捉美好回忆的游客,我们想由衷地对你们说一声“谢谢”。 你们的探索精神、你们分享的故事和你们的热情推荐,让我们在国际平台上找到了自己的一席之地。 无论您是从地球的哪个角落踏上旅程,最终与我们相遇,我们都想让您知道,是您赋予了 SUMMIT 景点之外更多的意义。 是您,让 SUMMIT 成为了首选之地、必到之地,对此我们永远心存感激。


Tripadvisor Travelers' Choice Award 2023

Make sure to bring your sunglasses. The reflective materials used throughout the space create a bright environment during the day.

Wear comfortable shoes. Stiletto heels, steel toe boots, sports cleats, and other footwear that can damage flooring are not permitted.

Please dress appropriately to avoid unwanted exposure on glass and mirrored floors. We recommend wearing pants, shorts, or tights when possible.

SUMMIT One Vanderbilt is following all mandated protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Proof of vaccination is required for entry.